![Quick & easy document upload](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/dabeddf9883065ff.svg)
Quick & easy document upload
Upload and share your documents (including PDF, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff) quickly and securely.
![Secure PDF handling](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/f64241de59fb3a5e.svg)
Secure PDF handling
We care about your privacy. We use SSL encryption to protect your documents during all file transfers. We’ll also remove these files from our system after 14 days.
![Works on many devices](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/1491982db0d32ca1.svg)
Works on many devices
Smallpdf’s Document Share tool works with any internet browser, using any device or operating system, including Windows, Mac or Linux.
![Easy recipient access](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/51caaadcf221b67f.svg)
Easy recipient access
Your recipient gets a fuss-free download link or an email that includes a link to download your document with a personalized message from you.
![Send large files](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/610262a6d907c95d.svg)
Send large files
Big files? No problem! With Smallpdf’s Document Share tool, you can complete file transfers up to 5 gigabytes at a time.
![On the go or working from home?](https://s.smallpdf.com/static/ad65d3f5643d9845.svg)
On the go or working from home?
Smallpdf’s Document Share tool is a quick and secure way to transfer files when you’re out and about or working from home.